Amir Al-Aktaa Melody of hope

A child raised in the city of Idleb, Syria. Amir loves art and music and is determined to follow in his father's footsteps in the world of composition and singing, aiming to be a voice for all Syrians.

Melody of hope
Melody of hope
Amir's Journey

He witnessed a part of the events of the Syrian revolution. Living with his family under challenging conditions due to the war, this experience gave rise to the story of an artist carrying a powerful message in his heart, one that he will narrate through melodies and singing

Artistic Participation

Amir has participated in numerous artistic evenings alongside his father and has become an essential member of the Dream Choral.  

The choral consists of a group of displaced and refugee children in the camps who have borne the burden of war. This experience has strengthened Amir's determination to use art to express their shared experiences.

Melody of hope
Amir's Dream

Amir aspires to become a renowned artist in the future. He dreams of being able to travel and convey his voice, along with the voice of all Syrians, to the outside world. Amir looks forward to realizing this dream through his melodies that carry the story of an ambitious people. 

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